Safer Space Policy

The Jam Jar strives to create a safe and inclusive environment for all. This means that we do not tolerate racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, discrimination or harassment of any kind. Our team will take inappropriate behaviour seriously and will act accordingly to resolve the situation, which may result in removal from the premises.

Our Core Values:

  1. BE RESPECTFUL - Be welcoming & respectful to all people. Simple.

  2. HONOUR BOUNDARIES  - If someone doesn't want to talk about something, drop it. If someone doesn't want to dance, leave it. Honour peoples’ boundaries, and note their physical and verbal cues.

  3. LOOK AFTER EACH OTHER - If someone appears to be in trouble, mentally or physically, ask them if they are ok. If your friend is behaving inappropriately, let them know it isn't acceptable and encourage them to get some fresh air. 

  4. TALK TO OUR TEAM - We are here to look out for everyone. If you witness inappropriate behaviour, let our team know what happened and who was involved. We will take appropriate action. If you’d rather talk at a later date, either in person, on the phone, or via a private message don’t hesitate to reach out to us via any method that feels comfortable.


  • We reserve the right to cancel any event if we find that the content is racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, or discriminatory. Prior to or during the event. This is enshrined in our booking agreement with promoters.

  • Our main toilet block has always been gender neutral, however if you would rather a private space for whatever reason we have recently had some installed, feel free to use them.

  • During busy events we will always have a member of staff present with experience of conflict management.

  • All of our security staff are hired based on referral, we have the utmost faith in them, any report of behaviour that does not represent our values will be taken seriously by them. 

  • Recently, we have opened a quieter side room if you are feeling overwhelmed or wish to leave the dance floor. This room has seating, private toilet cubicles and a water point. During busy events this area is stewarded by a member of staff.

  • We are an equal opportunities employer & do not discriminate against employees or applicants based on age, race, sex, gender, or any other protected characteristic. This is detailed in our governance document.

  • We have a zero tolerance policy for acts of aggression, or any racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, or discriminatory behaviour from our staff, under penalty of immidiete dismissal. This is detailed in our governance document.

  • Management and key event staff staff undertook the Diversity in Practice training from The Diversity Trust CIC in Autumn of ‘23

  • All regular staff attended Bristol Nights Training on Sexual Harassment  in Autumn of '24

  • Venues BOH team undertook a series of EDI sessions from an external trainer spanning late '24 and early '25

  • We continuously seek out diverse SIA security to work with our current team.

  • We recognise the need for constant review of our policies, the above assurances & values will be revisited regularly with a view to making The Jam Jar a safer space for all. This page details some of the steps taken thus far. We are committed to further steps.

  • We welcome feedback on how we can further improve at what we do, if you have any feedback or suggestions you can send them anonymously through our contact us page.

Future actions:.

  • Continue to programme and facilitate a diverse event programme.

  • Continue outreach & engagement with marginalised groups

  • Arrange focus group with key stakeholders from marginalised groups

  • Listen to feedback & implement change, continue to improve.